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Using method:
CropsTarget EffectDosageMethod
BananaAnthrax, Scab of cucurbits83.3-125 mg/kgFoliar Spraying
Citrus treesScab50-150 mg/kgFoliar Spraying
AsparagusStem blight66.7-100 mg/kgFoliar Spraying
Water MelonAnthrax75-112.5 mg/kgFoliar Spraying
Apple TreesLeaf spot diseaseDilution 1500-3000 timesFoliar Spraying, 10%WDG
CucumberPowdery mildew75-125 g/hectareFoliar Spraying, 10%WDG
TomatoEarly Blight100-150 g/hectareFoliar Spraying, 10%WDG
Internal sterilization, protection and treatment.
Product features: Difenoconazole is a kind of fungicide with high safety, widely used in fruit trees, vegetables and other crops, effectively prevent and control black star disease, black pox disease, white rot, spot deciduous disease, powdery mildew, brown spot, rust, stripe rust, scab, etcorganic pesticide Fungicide